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Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Semester 4

A new semester, a new group of headaches. Business as usual.
Happy Halloween! I'm in my 4th week in my 4th semester. Halfway through last semester the enrollment department came into class to remind students to enroll. They said they had taken the time to make class recommendations for us for the upcoming semester and if we liked them, we only had to sign the enrollment sheet. When I asked what the 2 classes were that they had recommended they both sounded the same. Sure enough; they are. One deals with branding on my own company's personal level and the other is the branding for another company. I've already been able to use information I've picked up from one class and use it in another.

So, this semester, my big goal is to have as much done on my boardgame as possible, including the packaging and marketing. I've even created a commercial for it which I've posted on the website. In 'my personal company' class (Corporate Identity) the instructor (same instructor who taught Digital Illustration last semester) said that he will be bringing in local business owners at the end of the semester that we will be giving our presentations to. Wow! Like, that's not big or anything! I think it made a lot of students nervous, including myself. But it could turn out to be a big opportunity for some. The instructor mentioned that 1 student may end up getting hired from her presentation last semester. So, good things do happen.

On the job front I am currently not employed. My previous position was temporary so I have fulfilled it. So here I am, almost halfway through this semester with a ton of homework to load me down and keep me busy. So busy that I have a hard time looking for work and our funds are quickly being dwindled away.

Still, if I was working it would sure be hard to keep up with the homework. So, is thie a blessing in disguise or is Heavenly Father preparing something special? Only time can tell.
Until then, literally back to the drawing board...