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Friday, April 23, 2010

Semester Two.1:
I'm only the third week of my second semester, Spring 2010 (April). My day job laid me off due to changes in the company and we're trying to get by on my night, part time job (thanks, Matt!). It helped that we got our tax return right around the same time and we are receiving a severence from the day job, too. So, we are hoping that we'll be okay for the month of April.
I am starting a new job waaay down in American Fork in two days that does certification for applications. It's only a temporary job that is supposed to last only 4 weeks while the main guy is on vacation. I am hoping that, if I do a really good job, it can become permanent. The good news is it is much closer to school and full time. They are willing to work with my school schedule for now, because I'm only taking night classes. Here's hoping that things will continue to work out.
This semester I am taking 7 credits: Digital Imaging (Photoshop), Life Drawing, and a Portfolio-builing class.
With Digital Imaging we used our new money to get the student version of CS4 for Photoshop. I am already learning lots of excellent shortcuts that are helping to cut down on time.
Life Drawing is taught by the same guy I took Observational Drawing from last semester. I had a really hard time accepting what the class entailed but with his help, the dean's, and the support of my family it's becoming easier. My wife really pushed me into it, telling me that I'll never really learn what I need to for my projects unless I take this class. So, I'm doing everything I can to help prepare me to have the right frame of mind and I have learned a ton so far. I do have to admit that.
The class is about drawing the human figure from life so I will be screening what I post to the site. Please be wary of what images may be posted to the site when you visit it. No adult themes will be used, however, because it is a life drawing class there will be drawings of the human figure in their au natural. As the instructor described, "Nothing but a smile." Personally, I think he lied to us. I've never seen them wearing a smile! :-)
I just do a lot of praying that Heavenly Father continues to protect me from any evil influences. I visit the temple on a weekly basis, as suggested by my bishop, and read my scriptures every day, as best as I can. I also do not visit any of the instructor's model sites for homework without my wife there to offer support, assistance, and imput.
The last class is in preparation for building a portfolio. The Art Institite wants its new students to take a Portfolio class early in their class itinerary so as they are going through school they can be working on pieces to help build their portfolio. UVU had a similar program but unfortunately, they had me take it right at the end of my schedule before I was about to graduate.
The instructor at AI also said they will have their students take a similar class in the middle of their itinerary and again before they graduate. That way, when their students are ready to leave they will have a strong portfolio with them to show off their work to companies right away.
I just finished my first big assignment for my Life Drawing class and gotta head off to my part time job. Once that day time job hits on Monday I am hoping I'll have the time I need for my homework.
Wish us luck and here goes!
Oh, and 'on the side,' I'm also working a friend with some filming for a movie that he wants to put together. (Do I have any sides left?)

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