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Monday, January 31, 2011

Semester 5.1

The two classes I'm taking this semester are Web Scripting and Package Design, both at night. The day-time job assignment I'm doing is kind enough to allow my schedule to change on those 2 class days so that I can get to class on time.

I thought Web Scripting would be hard but the insructor is very chill and quite entertaining. Thus far, I am really enjoying it and so far it's not too difficult (knock on wood). Even though he wants us all to build everything from scratch so that we know what we are doing he's still shown us some good shortcuts.
I'm excited to use what I'm learning in class to create my own site. I think it would be cool to take what I learn in class and land a Front End web designing opportunity. It's fun enough and you never know what will happen.

The Packaging Design class is taught by the same instructor who taught 2 of my last two semester classes (Corporate Identity and Illustrator). So far the class if fun, too. Both classes are allowing me to artisitcally stretch my left-brained experience (languages and 3D modeling). The Packaging Design class is all about taking 1 dimensional box templates, adding our designs, and turning them into actual boxes. Wow. A lot more than I thought the class would be about.
I think our instructor felt bad about how much homework he had us doing this last semester because this semester he is only making us do 3 assignments: a soap box, something else, and a DVD/video game box. He just wants each one to be our very best. He is also giving us some good class time, which is excellent. I am turning in the first assignment this Wednesday.

I do have to admit, after last semester I was telling my wife that was missing the ol' paper and pencil method of the drawing classes (Observational & Life Drawing). I never thought I would find myself missing the Life Drawing class after all the hardships and difficulty I had in that class. But last Wednesday I suddenly, and quite randomly, found myself missing the Life Drawing class.
I was equally surprised when I walked into class and the instructor read off an announcement that on Wednesdays before my class they were offering an open lab to anyone who wanted to join for Observational Drawing and Life Drawing. We could just show up and draw - no tests, no rush, no hassel: just experience. I am excited!
I told both my wife and mother and they agree that it's good practice. I am excited to learn the things we never got to cover in class: arms, hands, legs, feet, and most importantly-faces.

The lab ends at 5:00 and I get off work at 4:30. I asked the instructor if he could extend it to 6:00. He's trying to see if someone will stay longer than he is allowed too to keep the lab open. Otherwise I'll only get a few minutes before class starts.

We'll see what happens.

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