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Monday, September 26, 2011

Semester 7.1

I'm beginning to see a miracle in each class and each semester. Sometimes, each assignment.

The first story was for my 3D Design class. When I first presented my rough draft package design to the class it received lots of unnecessary ridicule. Without the image representations to show what it was intended to look like it drew lots of skeptisism, mockery, and unhelpful critiques. It also didn't help that the instructor was a substitute, as our regular instructor was away on business. This particular instructor was not helpful, in either offering any of his own useful critiques nor quelling the disrespect of the others in the class. It didn't help when he admitted that, as Graphic Designer, he considered himself a snob. There was little in his demeneor, attitude, or speech to help prove otherwise.
The report of that class' critique that I took home to my family was less than satisfatory but it was very frusterating.

I spent my time home after work on my family, following my gut that I would be able to complete the Package Design class on the weekend. I don't regret having spent my time with my family; that was important. I'll always be a dad and husband first; I'll only be a student for the next 2.25 years. My wife and son didn't argue, either.

I hit the assignment hard on the weekend. When Sunday rolled around I attacked it with zeal after dinner. I didn't feel that I could put my trust in school's print shop, given how they'd messed my assignments so many times in the past already. So I purposefully designed the package so that I could print the templates at home.

I had worked on the assignment by myself for several hours and had to come to conclussion that I was burned out. I was exhausted and realized I was spinning my wheels without getting anywhere. I needed a fresh set of eyes and hands.
I quickly called my wife, who was next door at her mom's, visiting. I swallowed my pride and asked for her help. She agreed without a moment's hesitation. I considered that a miracle in and of itself.

I had direction but didn't seem to know how to go about it. My wife was a great help with that. Between the two of us we were back on course. She had put our boy to bed so we both worked as quickly and feverishly as we could.
It was frusterating in the fact that we would try to apply printouts with the new changes, see something that had to be changed, and have to start again. We did this several times. I was worried I would waste the entire brand new cartridge of ink and full pack of photo paper before we were through.
There was lots of cutting, editting, printing, and gluing.

The big miracle came when suddenly it started to rain outside. The rain was followed by very large cracks of thunder that seemed directly over our heads. The night sky was lit up by increasing bolts of lightening. We hardly ever get storms like that here in Utah.
My wife looked out the window to see the power go out on the houses on the hill. Then, the people across the street lost power. Then her parents next door.
I had a silent prayer in my heart and my breath in my throat as I printed like mad, hoping we would not lose power. The assignment was due the next day.

Sure enough, our prayers were answered. The storm passed on by without taking out our power. We were able to finish around 2:00 AM.
It turned out it was worth it; as my box (though far from perfect) was one of the best presented in the class. I got lots of great feedback and it made me feel really good.

Heavenly Father does answer prayers - even the ones offered silently in our hearts.

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