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Sunday, June 23, 2013

Semester 14A

Wow... I know I've said this before, but I'm constantly blown away by it. The last I blogged my wife and I were pretty discouraged by the poor attitudes of the inhabitants in my hometown, wanting to get back to SLC, and still jobless.

How Heavenly Father and the Lord have blessed us.

Right now, I am sitting here, typing, in our own, new little place. I have a salaried position with a new job/company, and we love the neighborhood.

It started when Donna and I began the ugly process of trying to find a place to move to up here. Typically, the Lord makes it known to us where to go or what to do. Not this time. Our search took between 2 to 3 weeks, only on the weekends. I'd come up for school, packed with enough stuff to supply us for the weekend. All three of us would stay at my wife's parent's house, which really got on a lot of nerves after 3 days. During that time, we'd rush around and try to look at apartments with the time we had. My parents offered the same amount of money for us to find a place.
During our search we found a lot of places that were disgustingly bad, some truly terrifying, some cosy-but not quite there, and a handful of scams.

The scam story is fun. My wife's neighbor is a realtor and he helped us out in the process. We heard about this house and went to check it out. We were only interested in renting and there was a sign out front, saying it was for rent. It was great so we tried to contact the guy. He had broken english, claimed he was a doctor who was out of the states with a new job and had taken his whole family, and wanted someone he could trust to take care of the house. He claimed he wasn't there to take us through the house, either. We called him and his cell phone was so bad we couldn't understand him at all so we tried to correspond by email.
In the end, we told our realtor-neighbor about it and after investigating the post he told us with a smile, 'yeah, this is a scam.' Sure enough, when this guy responded back to our email he was as sweet as honey but he was still asking for money before we could move in.
The surprise of the story is this: in our searching we found 3 situations total that all smelled of the same, rotten scam. The individual in question was out of the states, couldn't be there to show us the house, some drastic, life-changing event had happened in their life, and were desperately looking for someone good and nice to take care of their place.
No thank you.

In the end, the best decision for us was a little tri-plex. One of the big sellers for us was the fact that the neighbor lady next door has 2 boys our son's age. They have all been fabulous neighbors and our son loves to play with his new friends any time of the day.

After we made our decision, the thoughts that came in my and my wife's head from Heavenly Father said, "There, that wasn't so bad, now was it? You can make the right decision without me." Sheepishly, I must agree. Of all the places we looked at there really was just one place right for us. I guess it's important for us to make some decisions on our own.

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