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Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Semester 8 & 9.8

We had a Christmas miracle, as well, when my day job assignment was willing and/or able to keep me on through that semester, as well. I was very worried, as they had previously said that our assignment would be ending. I was very much relieved to find out that they were able to keep me on through to the end of Christmas.

It has been a semester-by-semester thing. That has caused some certain amounts of stress, for sure.
During that time they announced, that for the first time ever, they were allowing temps to officially apply for permanent positions. I asked if they had a place for me, since all I am doing is catagorized as simple data entry. The positions the others have are customer service phone positions. I still have not regained the full use of my voice and it still taxes me to talk for too long face to face. On the phone a full conversation is painful and almost impossible for any length of time.
Unfortunately, they said they did not have any full time positions for someone just doing the data entry I was doing.

Again, the miracle of working here was extended through this last semester, and then again through this one. However, they did let us know that their company policy does not allow temps to work here any longer than a year and a half. So, at the end of this semester this assignment will end.
I've been very gratful for the chance to be there. It's a wonderful atmosphere, with great, professional people, with a very easy, no-stress work load. I will miss being here.

After talking it out with my wife, we've come to an agreement. For my degree I need to have an internship in order to graduate. Since we thought I'd be unemployed at the end of last semester we started talking about how we'd make things work. We based a lot of our decisions off of our situation 2 Decembers ago, where I didn't work at all for the whole semester. We came to the comclusion that with some help and taking advantages of programs available to us that we could make it. So, with this semester and assignment closing I'm applying for internship positions now. Our hope is that perhaps it can turn into something better and permanent later on.

That's our hope, anyway.

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