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Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Semester 8 & 9.9

At the middle of the previous semester I was feeling the impression that I needed to go back to the Life Drawing lab. I'd been feeling it for a while but was unable to for the last 2 semesters. Finally, the opportunity opened up. I had my doubts but I still felt that it was important. Because of my current school schedule I was able to leave my temp work assignment on Wednesdays early to go to school. However, I had night classes on Wednesday so I was able to take advantage of the Life Drawing lab, which I'd been trying to get back to for the past 2 semesters. I'd been missing the simple pleasures of just drawing - no computers or digital graphics. Plus, I'd kept up my figure drawing and had developed plenty of questions that only an instructor and real life experience could answer. I learned from these experiences that, like any talent, it is something that does need to be kept up or the talent cannot progress. And my projects have lots of figures that need help being created. There were plenty of new models that came in each week; not a lot of familiar faces that I could recognize from my Life Drawing class over 2 years earlier. Some were fantastic and some were not. Either way, I learned something from each. My goal was to build up my practice to the point where I felt I could break out the good paper and creat a completely finished piece that I could be proud of. That was last semester; we just hit midterm and I've officially now upgraded to the good paper. When midterm hit during this semester I was in Group Production Team Layout class and the instructor told us that he'd give us extra credit if we enrolled for the next semester on that day. He was part of the Graphics Department so it meant less paperwork for him. So I went in to see the Dean on a 15 minute break, hoping simply to get the extra credit. What I got, instead, was a whole lot more. Mr. Dean Murdock (no relation, although we'd been in close association in the past. He has a great open-door policy) threw a curve-ball surprise at me. The school (across the nation, not just the local branch) had a big policy to only allow so many part time students. According to their experience the longer a student remained in school, the more likely they will drop out without graduating. In order for them to retain their reputation of being some of the best they needed to keep the number of their graduating students high. As a result, they needed their students to be graduating as soon as possible. So, the dean was requiring me to increase my number of classes per semester by 1. Otherwise, he and the board of people-in-charge could not approve of my school schedule fot the upcoming semester. I was floored. I had already been spending every teeming waking moment that was not associated with work to either being in class, getting to class, or doing homework. My family was already being more neglected than I would have prefered and the guilt for that was pretty much a constant companion. In this last semester alone I took off 3 days from work just to work on homework and I missed a lot of church. Often times I would only go to sacrament meeting. Once, close to Finals, I didn't go at all. Not to mention the multiple martial arts classes I skipped for homework instead, too. How on earth could he expect me to take one more class?

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